Thursday, July 31, 2008

Day 2: Atlanta

After getting to sleep in until 7:30am (much better than 4:30 on Wednesday morning), we loaded up the van and made our way down to Atlanta. This 4 hour drive was much better than the 10 hours from the day before, but it was still driving nonetheless. Our journey to Georgia was rewarded by a stop at Zaxby's for lunch (just think awesome chicken!).

After lunch we headed toward the hotel so we could unload & unwind before heading out to dinner at The Varsity in Atlanta. Once finished some pretty darn good hamburgers & hotdogs, we relaxed the evening away at a Braves game.

During the game, some serious storm clouds rolled in and it threatened to rain for most of the night. Once it started, we moved to higher & dryer ground and goofed off as we usually do. Eventually, we decided that it was getting late, so we made our way back to the hotel...with one small detour.

Tomorrow we head down to New Orleans to help out at a Homeless shelter. We probably will not have internet access until Sunday evening, so don't worry if we don't get an update out until then.


Michelle Pullins said...

yummmm... Zaxbys :)
I love Zaxbys. I have to say that I'm just a little bit jealous!!
Have Fun!

Jenee Waddell said...

So did the Braves win? :)

The Livingstons said...

Glad you guys are having a good trip. Good luck the rest of the way. We will be praying for you all.

God bless.