Thursday, July 31, 2008

Day 1: Parkway COG

We successfully survived the 10.5 hour trip down to Seveirville, TN. On the way down, we stopped at Sheetz for breakfast & a restroom/smoothie stop, then we stopped at Pizza Hut for dinner and one un-scheduled "I really have to go pee" stop thanks to Nick Kaskel. Once we unloaded our luggage into the cottage that we were staying in at the Home For Children, we quickly went to the Parkway COG to prepare for the evening service.

During the service, Unity lead us in worship and then Matt Murphy performed the solo human video that he will be doing for Teen Talent. Once Pastor Brian took the stage, Tyler Waltemyer shared his testimony and then the group performed a new drama that they have been working on. Pastor Brian shared for a few moments and set-up for Rescue. The prayer and altar time was amazing as our students jumped right in and started to pray with those that came forward.
After the service we were treated to a spaghetti dinner and some fantastic peach cobbler and then we went back to the cottage for some much needed sleep!!

Check out the pics below to see some of the things we have been up to.


Michelle Pullins said...

very cool! way to go, guys!

Jenee Waddell said...

You guys are amazing! I am so excited I got to see you on your stop in TN. I miss you all! Hope you continue to have an awesome trip. Your in my prayers and I am so proud of all of you! :)

Anonymous said...

This is awesome. Looks like you have enjoyed some great ministry and fun already. We are in Lake Placid N.Y. having a great time. Look forward to hearing more about your trip
luv you all...your amazing!!!

Terry Murphy said...

WOW, looks like everyone is having a great time. I wish we could be there! THANKS for reaching out to others.  Continue to serve and have fun.  I miss you all, especially my son.  I love you MATT Murphy!  Yes, Mom had to embarrass you, but you're never too old to hear it.  Great pictures MARK and thanks for the updates.